Do you thik that these are the best solutions?

Bodybuilding Programs Should Have Plenty of Free Weight Movements

If you are new to fitness or are a veteran you've probably heard that free weights are the main tools for building mass. This is undoubtedly true. So why do people insist on using machines for all your workouts? Simple, are lazy. It's much easier to sit on a machine, select your weight with a pin, and start your movement. However, like everything else you get what you put into it. Now I'm not saying that you should include in their bodybuilding weight because there are many advantages of using machines. I recommend you try to use free weights at least half of all the exercises in each workout you do.

Using free weights in your bodybuilding programs not only help to pile on large amounts of weight, but will also help you build a balanced physique. Like most machines do not require you to have some kind of balance, it is very easy to learn bad habits that often leads to a lack of symmetry.

The four major movements of weights to be used provided:

Bent dumbbell rows

Do exercises like dumbbell bent lines help build and the status of various muscles. From a curved barbell is made in an inclined position need to keep your spinal erectors, glutes, hamstrings and tight throughout the game and help build the thick, dense through his back muscle.

Dead lifts

Deadweight Running will also help you build a very thick back. This exercise can help you add a huge width and weight of the shoulders, back, hamstrings and glutes.

Military Presses

This exercise will help you build strong deltoids separate thick and is a must at any shoulder workout and can not do with a barbell or dumbbell. By adding mass and strength of your anterior deltoid may ultimately help to handle more weight in pressing movements. This includes the bench press, which helps to add more weight to your one rep max and adding more weight on the chest.

Barbell squats

This compound movement is the maximum mass builder for legs and should not be taken lightly. Barbell squats in their bodybuilding programs are a must and should be done in almost every leg workout. This exercise will help you build huge glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and if done correctly. It is also important to note that this exercise can be very difficult to do correctly, especially if you are a beginner. This can take a lot of air conditioning for your heart to your spinal erectors can handle heavy weight. This is why it is important to condition your abs, obliques and erector spinae to stabilize the spine while performing this exercise (this applies to dead lifts as well).

If you add the above exercises in bodybuilding programs which will constant mass and strength in almost all exercises to perform. It is important to stay with them and constantly pushes him to go strong with excellent conditions.

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