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Bodybuilding Tips - 20 Rules for Packing on Muscle

20 Winning Tips Misa hard gainer . If you are having trouble gaining muscle mass or just want to have a little more information about how to stay on track with continued gains in muscle mass , here are 20 proven bodybuilding tips . Learn these 20 tips and apply to your bodybuilding program regularly.

1. Regularly increasing resistance . Your muscles grow in response to the growing demand for them. You must constantly increase your weight, reps, or intensity to increase your muscle mass .

Two . Sets Reps moderate consumption of 6-10 reps are best for bodybuilders. Series of five reps or less tend to accumulate more muscle strength and secured more than 10 reps tend to increase the strength of a muscle , rather than growing in size. (The exceptions to this rule are the calves, abs , forearms , which tend to respond better to the repeats varies from 10-15 ) .

Three . Using basic exercises. Build your training around multi-joint compound movements like squats sessions , squat , the barbell row , overhead press , and bench presses ( incline , flat and low).

April . Eat frequent proteins . Every day you have to give your body 1 to 1.5 grams of high quality protein per pound of body weight. Divide this intake into five or six meals that are spaced no more than three hours apart. Try to get most of the animal protein such as meat , fish , dairy products and protein supplements of high quality.

May . Do not use shortcuts. Do not try to accelerate their progress by working too much without adequate rest , taking steroids , eating too many unnecessary calories and using heavy weights. These tactics eventually cause you more harm than good.

June . Assess your physical . Take a good look at yourself in the mirror and make an honest assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Organize your workouts to hit the muscles behind the first , when you are strong and hit his best last parts of the body. If your shoulders are generally narrow , be sure to emphasize deltoid movements , especially lateral raises . If your hips tend to be larger, you may have to prioritize your lats to create the V - cone.

July . Get enough rest. You grow when you are resting , not when you 're training . Allow four days rest between workouts for each muscle group to recover and grow. Be sure to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night for maximum muscle growth .

August . Create intensity. Using advanced techniques such as partial representatives , drop sets , and forced most party representatives . All this will allow you to push your muscles past failure and trigger greater muscle growth .

9. Try new equipment. You should base your bodybuilding program around compound free weight exercises as mentioned in Tip # 3 , but do not be afraid to experiment with some of the machines that are available in your gym . Some machines can cause damage to muscles in new and different ways that can stimulate muscle growth.

10 . Make periodic changes . Every month or two alter the order in which you exercise or change the exercises you do for a body part , or change the number of sets and repetitions . Your muscles are used to the same exercise if repeated over and over again . Periodic changes will keep your muscles to adapt and therefore continue to stimulate muscle growth.

11. Know your limits . Understanding what your real potential in the sport of bodybuilding. If you are not competing at a championship level , be realistic about how much you spend on supplements , how long they spend in the gym, and the amount of effort you put into your training. There is no sense in ruin , alienating his family , and risking injury f there is no realistic possibility always real professional level .

12. Supplement your diet . As a bodybuilder , you need a lot more protein and other nutrients than the average person . Be sure to supplement your diet with protein powder, creatine , multivitamins , glutamine, etc, to meet the additional demands on their muscles.

13. Prevent injuries . One of the biggest potential obstacles to the success of your muscle is an injury in training. A muscle strain or injury that tends not only stop your progress in the short term, but in some cases may limit their long-term success as a bodybuilder . Always warm up and stretch before reaching their heavy sets . Start with a relatively light weight and pyramid there for heavier equipment . Be sure to use a spotter or power door sets stronger.

14. Volume Limit. Try limited to 15 games over large parts of the body like the chest and back, and 12 sets of small body parts such as the biceps and triceps.

15. Giving priority to weaker muscle groups . Whenever possible , training your lower body parts first , when you have more energy and strength. If certain muscle groups continually accuse behind , increasing the volume of body parts , and perhaps reduced the volume of its strongest parts of the body until the body reaches a better balance.

16. Train your entire body. Do not neglect any body part . Make sure you train your forearms , legs and lower back as vigorously as you train chest and biceps.

17. Learn to control your muscles. Practice flexing every muscle in your body. This will help you develop the connection between the muscle that allows you to apply more force with each repetition of the exercises.

18. Trust your instincts . After training for a year, you should have a good idea of ​​what exercises and techniques that work best for you . You should also have an idea about that time of day feels stronger . The closer you get to control your body and how you feel after a workout , the better you will be able to increase your intensity , and therefore increase their muscle mass .

19. Set achievable goals. You should always have a goal that is working . You must have short-term goals , such as adding 10 pounds to your bench press , adding an inch of his biceps, or losing inches around your waist. The short-term objectives should be achievable within a few weeks to a few months. In addition , you should have some long-term goals , such as increased 10 pounds of muscle in a year , increasing your bench press 300 pounds, or compete in the first bodybuilding contest . The objectives are essential to keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment when you reach each.

20 . Keep a positive attitude. It has been said that your attitude determines your altitude . This is especially true when it comes to changing your body from an average one at a powerful and muscular .

Author's note: I wrote this article some time ago, and I have a powerful yet I recently used my muscle gains accelerated trick. I'm calling this Council 21:

21. Training with a partner. Especially for men , with his big ego , working with another man for the same purpose as it does, is powerful , because people are always going to push harder if another man looks! Two men working together will cause both to push harder and go for an additional representative , resulting in greater stimulation and muscle gains fast ! Please try this one.

Muscle gains are not easy, but if you keep a positive mental attitude , continuously waiting for your next job and apply these 20 tips , you will see great improvements in your body in no time.

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