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bodybuilders diet - Bodybuilding Diet and Nutrition Advice

Bodybuilding Diet and Nutrition Advice - Bodybuilding Nutrition and Diet Basics

bodybuilders diet
bodybuilders diet
A key element of the formula for bodybuilding success is nutrition. Nutrition is what gives us the raw materials for recuperation , energy and growth. Without a good diet , you will never achieve their dreams of achieving your ideal body.

In this article I will discuss the characteristics of a good bodybuilding diet and also cover the macronutrients we need every day as well as how to gain muscle and lose fat.

The characteristics of a good nutrition program

1) It should encourage smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day instead of the very rare and food. Why? Because when you feed your body several times a day , increases your metabolism. Therefore, you burn more fat. Frequent feedings are of particular importance since after three or four hours without eating your body switches to a catabolic state (a state in which you lose muscle and gain fat !) .

The body thinks it is starving and start eating muscle tissue and prepares to store calories as fat . Mal stage! Therefore, to ensure that your program works , you eat four to six meals (depending gender and goals) a day spaced 2-3 hours apart.

2) Each meal should have carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the right proportions . A meal is not balanced (eg carbohydrates ) will not yield the desired results. Each macronutrient has to be present for the body to absorb and use properly. Without boring you with the effect of food on the body's biochemistry , let's say that if you eat carbohydrates in one meal without anything, your energy levels will crash in about 30 minutes and your body will store carbohydrates that have not been used in grease. Conversely , if you eat protein , you need more energy and your body will not be able to convert protein into muscle because it is difficult for the body to absorb the protein in the absence of carbohydrates. In addition , the relationships of each particular macronutrient have to be correct in order to get the results you want . The report of our diet will look like the following:

40 % carbohydrates

40 % Protein

20% fat

Note that for each portion of carbohydrates, results in a portion of the protein . You can use the method of creating meals which is to count a portion of carbohydrates that the amount of food the size of a fist and a portion of the protein that the amount of food the size of your open palm Bill Phillips .

3 ) The calories should be cycled . I strongly believe in caloric cycling as it does not allow the metabolism gets used to a certain level of calories , which leads to stagnant results .

Therefore, bodybuilders in search of some muscle mass should follow 5 days of high calories ( lean body mass x 15 ) with two days of lower caloric intake ( lean body mass x12 ) . Bodybuilders seeking fat loss while building muscle at the same time should follow 5 days of lower caloric intake ( lean body mass x12 ) with 2 days calories ( lean body mass x 15 ) .

Note : If you build muscle and lose fat at the same time you will not gain muscle as fast as you would if you just concentrated in muscle mass . However, it fails to achieve the two goals scored in the same time .

Those interested in body sculpting (which is quite moderate muscle building fat loss to 10 % body fat for men and 12-13 % for women) must alternate between two weeks of fewer calories (about 2,000 men and 1,200 for women) and two weeks of higher calories ( around 2500 for men and 1500 for women). These caloric intakes assume a normal level of activity only involves training body sculpture. Those of you who are engaged in activities such as marathon running or heavy physical work need to adjust your calories upwards accordingly mainly in the form of carbohydrates to support their higher levels of activity.

What is a diet?

While the word "diet" brings these images of pain and hunger in the minds of most people , a regime is simply food choices you make on a daily basis . So if you eat potato chips and soft drinks throughout the day , is your diet.

Any diet which follow , three macronutrients that are present in one form or another in each of them. Understanding the role these nutrients play , how and how many of them you will use daily to bodybuilding and fitness results you've always wanted .

Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics

There are three macronutrients that the human body needs to function properly . These macronutrients to their weight and / or exercise regimen.

1) Carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body . When you ingest carbohydrates your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is very important because:

A) At the most simplistic level , must be carbohydrate and stores in muscle or fat stored as (assuming that carbohydrates are not needed for energy at the time , assuming both muscle and liver stores are full ) .

B ) It is the amino acids (proteins ) and the book within the muscle cell for recovery and repair.

Most people who are overweight and low carbohydrate diets fat / high carbon entered this state because they eat too much carbohydrates. Too many carbohydrates cause a huge release of insulin. When there is an excess of insulin in the body , the body becomes a fat storage machine .

Therefore, it is important to eat more carbohydrates than necessary and to eat the right amount of carbohydrates.

Now that we have discussed the importance of having the right amount of carbohydrates, let's talk about what are the best sources of carbohydrates.

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