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Bodybuilding Basics 101 - Tips for Skinny Guys!

Here are 5 tips to help you build your weight faster. It is true that you can put on muscle without using the idea. But why make it hard on yourself?

1. Go big to small

Start exercising with big lifts. The squat, bench press, standing up - the good stuff!

So if you need and time, use small lifts to specialize your body. You can use bicep curls (although hate myself) if you want your biceps bigger. Or other small lifts to focus on parts of the body you want to improve.

My main point is that you should do the lifts that offer the most for your money, time, energy wise and prudent first. Then skip the exercises that have more energy for less returns. Making time count.

Two. Want more muscle? Eating before training!

Well, you've probably heard that eating well after your workout is important. And there is more than a grain of truth in it. However, eating before exercise is even better!

Here is one of the important things that happen when you eat. You give your body the fuel and materials they need to build your body big and strong. This means that once you damage your muscles lifting weights, is protein and digest food and - giving your body the opportunity to immediately start building new muscle.

Three. Counting calories

Do you want to gain weight and muscle? Eat more.

Losing weight as fat? Eat less.

These are the basics. Now, if you want to ensure that your weight loss, or to stay well only gain muscle, count calories to make sure you eat the right amount.

It's a pain in the ass, but ... Works. End of story.

April. Do not complain about your lapel or genetic

These days, everyone seems to focus on why they can not achieve their goals. "I have bad genetics" or "I have no time", or something else.

If you really want it bad enough, you find the time. You will find the time to work hard, really find everything you need to know and avoid failures in his life.

Everyone has things that do not go as planned. Everyone has family and professional obligations 10,000 reasons not to let go of your training session.

But some people in the gym and progress. And others simply do not. Who will it be?

May. Find a routine that works, and stick with it

Finally, when you find a routine that works for you and is giving you results, stick with it! Do not change anything!

I meet many people who say, "Well, my work routine, but I want to get faster results if I. ..." If you get consistent results, not do something different. Really.

At the beginning of almost anything, but that raises more and more, it is increasingly difficult to put more muscle. If you're making progress, not likely to shoot themselves in the foot, changing things. Continue to save, and reach your goals.

For more information about bodybuilding, check out these bodybuilding routines that work and information about their personal genetic health. I'm Aaron McCloud and I run Complete Strength website, and I am an American College of Sports Medicine certified personal trainer. I lift heavy things, try different diets, and practicing Japanese martial arts for quite some time. There is plenty of information on all kinds of strength and fitness, and how scammed. Check it out!

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